Saturday, July 5, 2008

World Traveler Photo Contest

Calling all Shutterbugs!


Grand Prize:
The grand prize in each category will be two World Business Class tickets to join travel journalist Rudy Maxa at an
upcoming location for his public television show, Rudy Maxa's World. Winners will photograph the destination,
and their photos will be used in the DVD packaging for that episode of the show

First Runners-Up:
One NWA World Vacations trip certificate valid for an air and hotel package ($1,200 value).

Second Runners-Up:
Two coach tickets to any domestic NWA destination.

How to Enter
1. Submissions must include photographer's name, category (amateur or professional), address, phone number and e-mail
address. Also required is a short explanation of the photo, including identification of the subject, when and where the
photo was taken and what drew the photographer to the subject.

2. Photos must be in digital format and submission conveys all rights to the photo to Northwest Airlines, Inc.

3. Only five entries per person, and the deadline is October 1, 2008.

here for more info on how to join the contest!

1 comment:

hmyc14 said...

jucelino does exist, actually he have a website:

you can check his monthly predictions there. You can also see that he did not predicted July 18 earthquake.

60- Conflicts of homeless will mark in the south of Brazil and invasions and protests everywhere;

61- Strong Typhoons hit Japan resulting in big disruption and many deaths;

62- Australia is hit by a strong cyclone and there are many problems, leaving homeless;

63- Chile will be hit by a Earthquake of 6.9 in Richter scale and São Paulo feel the tremor;

64- Big floods hit France, Germany and Moldavia leaving thousands of homeless and deaths;

65- Increase the conflicts in Turkey and combats everywhere against the Kurds (next to Iraq);

66- Bombing kill more than 100 people in north of Iraq;

67- Revolt and conflicts in Algeria (Africa) mark blood in the country. An earthquake of 7.1 hit the capital;

68- Increase the consume in Japan of 4.2% and the economic speed up;

69- A small earthquake of 3.1 is observed in the region of the Amazon;
