she still looked sleepy here because of the 8am awarding ceremony..hehe
Sam made it again to be included in the Top 5 Most Outstanding Pupils in her class for the 2nd grading period. She's Top 4 for the First Grading Period by the way. But this time, she made it to Top 2 na! ...yey!!! I'm always proud of her ever since but now ...more prouder because she's really doing well in school. She's always making it to a point to be included as one of the best pupil in her class...unconsciously. You know, nursery pupil like her especially at her age of 3 doesn't mind at all if she's doing good in her class. She just know that school is fun with all the play activities, seat works, home works, quizzes and exams are just a routine for her that she really enjoy to do everyday. And as a super hands-on mom like me, I'm not forcing her that much to excel in her class. I'm just doing what I think is right for her young mind what she needs to learn. I'm just so blessed and thankful to God that I have a daughter who can easily comprehends what she learns and it totally reflects in her report card. Her daddy don't know the good news yet (super busy from work daw....hmmp!..haha) and for sure he'll be more prouder than I am. Good job baby and always remember that we're just her to support and guide you all the way. We love you very much!

one proud mama with her little awardee